What exactly does it mean to be a county commissioner?

So many people may not even know what a commissioner does, so let’s just talk about the basics and understand the job description of a county commissioner.

Our local board is made up of seven commissioners. Four are from local districts and three are “at large,” which means they represent the entire county. I am running for an “at-large” seat on our board.

The board of commissioner’s primary duties include:

  • adopting an annual budget;
  • establishing the annual property tax rate;
  • setting policies, goals, and objectives to direct the county’s growth and development;
  • adopting and providing for ordinances, regulations, and rules for the general welfare of county citizens;
  • entering into written contractual or legal obligations on behalf of the county;
  • appointing citizens to advisory boards and committees;
  • and carrying out other responsibilities as set forth by North Carolina General Statutes.

My Platform

  • Fiscally conservative – While adopting annual budgets, I will ask questions and insist that our county is proposing budgets that are fiscally responsible.
  • Opposed to tax hikes – Raising taxes should always be a last resort. If we are fiscally responsible and looking for ways to cut costs, raising taxes should not be considered until there are no other options.
  • Focused on economic growth – We are a small town; but that does not mean we can’t have a booming economy! I will champion our small businesses, our amazing downtown, and I am in support of bringing more jobs into our county. Can you imagine not having to drive to Virginia to work and being able to find a great paying job right here in Pasquotank County!
  • Responsive to our citizens – While adopting new ordinances, regulations, and rules for our county, I will listen to our residents. I recognize that an “at-large” position on the board represents the entire county. I promise to weigh all information and concerns and make decisions based on the best information possible. I will make myself available to all citizens.
  • Big proponent of our emergency services and law enforcement – We already have an amazing EMS and an incredible sheriff’s office. I will do all I can to make sure they have the funding and support they need to continue to keep Pasquotank County a safe place to live.
  • Supporter of public schools – I have no issue with private schools, and I am thankful for school choice. I believe our tax dollars should follow our kids. With that said, I am thankful for our local school system. I have seen some very positive changes here locally, and I know we have some really amazing teachers and administrators in our district. I have worked in our schools either in paid roles or volunteer roles the entire 18 years I have been in Elizabeth City. I will continue to be an advocate of our public school system.
  • Protective of our citizens – I will be an advocate for those in the community that depend and enjoy the rural way of life. I will work to find balance between growth in our city and the farms that surround it.
  • Socially aware – For 26 years I have been working as a minister, and the past 18 of those years have been in our community. I am very aware of the many issues in our county. Some of those that are close to my heart and where I am already serving are:
    • Fatherless homes and the need for men to step up – I have mentored many young men and will advocate for more mentoring in our community.
    • Homelessness – SOULS, temporary housing, job training, permanent housing, and teaching others to become a contributing members of our society need to be on-going projects.
    • Substance Abuse – I have led a Celebrate Recovery and I recognize the issue of substance abuse spills over to many of the issues in our area and we need to establish a plan to fight it.